Qual è il modo migliore per lavare il costume da bagno?

Qual è il modo migliore per lavare il costume da bagno?

During the hottest months of summer, the best way to cool off is to go swimming. Choosing a flattering and comfortable costume da bagno is often a challenge. Swimsuits are also often expensive, so once we buy a costume da bagno, it follows that we would want to keep it in good condition. Chlorine, Crema solare, sand, and high temperatures can wear down the fabric of even the nicest costume da bagno. It’s therefore important to know the best ways to keep our costume da bagnos clean and in excellent shape.

One of the fabrics in most costume da bagnos is spandex. Spandex can be damaged when it is in contact with sweat and other substances found in our skin. Those substances can change the ability of the costume da bagno to expand. Another problem that can affect costume da bagnos is that chlorine can change the color of the cloth. If the costume da bagno is washed soon enough, this can be prevented.

Some people opt for washing their bathing costume da bagnos in a washing machine. This is less than ideal but can be safely done by placing it in a mesh bag, using a very mild detergent, and using the delicates cycle. A International costumi da bagno manufacturer ProSwimwear advises that a typical wash cycle can damage the fabric of most costumi da bagno. However, modern costumi da bagno designers are now devising certain versions of a bathing costume da bagno specifically designed to be washed by machine.

Lavaggio delle mani

For the most part, the best way to wash a costume da bagno is still to wash it by hand. The first step is to rinse the costume da bagno. Although you can rinse it quickly and still clean it effectively, if possible you should let the costume da bagno rest in the water for half an hour. This is the best way to remove the chemicals, salt, and sand from the costume da bagno.

There are different opinions as to which temperature should be used for rinsing and washing. Checking the label of the costume da bagno should tell you which temperature would be best for your costume da bagno.

Although rinsing can eliminate many of the chemicals which could damage your costume da bagno, it isn’t able to get rid of all the chlorine and/or salt. Once the original water has drained, you can fill the sink again. You will next need a mild detergent, and a little plain shampoo is a good substitute. Another choice would be to use half a cup of baking soda. This is said to preserve the brightness of the fabric color. Put the detergent or baking soda in the water. Then, turn your costume da bagno inside out. After you’ve done this you can gently place the entire costume da bagno into the detergent-infused water. Swish the costume da bagno in the water for a few minutes; then, drain the water. Once the water has drained you can run cold water over the costume da bagno to rinse it clean. Squeeze the costume da bagno to help express the soap and water from the bathing suit.

Getting rid of macchie

If your costume da bagno has a stain, this would be another reason to use baking soda to wash it. Creating a paste out of baking soda and water, and applying this to the stain has been said to easily and safely remove macchie.

When there is no more soap in the costume da bagno, continue to squeeze the costume da bagno to remove as much water as possible. This will help the costume da bagno dry more quickly. Don’t wring the costume da bagno; just squeeze it gently. Wringing the costume da bagno can cause the fabric to break down.

Drying the costume da bagno

The best way to dry the costume da bagno is to use air drying. Use a drying rack, and spread the costume da bagno out over the rack. Make sure the rack is in a place where it won’t be subjected to sunlight. This is because UV rays from the sun can also cause damage to the fabric of the costume da bagno.

Storing costume da bagnos

Once the costume da bagno is dry, you need to find the best and safest place to store it. You can’t hang it up; that might stretch it out. This is another time to lay the costume da bagno flat and to keep it in a clean, dry place. At the end of the swimming season, you will want to place your bathing costume da bagno in a fabric garment bag. Using a plastic garment bag is not a good choice; plastic might cause moisture to build up in the costume da bagno. Moisture could then cause mildew, and that would thwart your best efforts to keep your bathing costume da bagno in good condition

Domande Frequenti

È importante asciugare correttamente il costume da bagno?
Se conosci il modo migliore per lavare il tuo costume da bagno, devi asciugare correttamente il costume da bagno per ottenere i migliori risultati.
È sicuro utilizzare una lavatrice per costumi da bagno e, in tal caso, quali sono le impostazioni migliori?
Mentre si consiglia generalmente il lavaggio delle mani, è possibile utilizzare una lavatrice per costumi da bagno se necessario. Usa un ciclo delicato, acqua fredda e un detergente delicato. Posizionare il costume da bagno in una borsa per la biancheria a maglie per evitare lo stretching o il cabina. Evita di usare ammorbidi e calore alto.

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